REVIEW: Nothing but blackened Teeth (2021)

A Book by Cassandra Khaw

REVIEW: Nothing but blackened Teeth (2021)

The saying always is “don’t judge a book by it’s cover”, which usually means something is beautiful on the inside but not on the outside. This book happens to be the exact opposite – I think the cover looks amazing, but I did not like this story very much. I should have known better, considering books like this are not something I generally go for, but it couldn’t be helped. Luckily, Nothing but blackened Teeth by Cassandra Khaw is fairly short.

“Cassandra Khaw’s Nothing But Blackened Teeth is a gorgeously creepy haunted house tale, steeped in Japanese folklore and full of devastating twists. A Heian-era mansion stands abandoned, its foundations resting on the bones of a bride and its walls packed with the remains of the girls sacrificed to keep her company. It’s the perfect wedding venue for a group of thrill-seeking friends. But a night of food, drinks, and games quickly spirals into a nightmare. For lurking in the shadows is the ghost bride with a black smile and a hungry heart. And she gets lonely down there in the dirt.”

I seem to be one of the few that couldn’t get into this book for whatever reason. I guess I’m more of a fan of gothic horror stories, because most contemporary ones fall flat on me. I will say that Khaw has a knack for writing dialogue, but I feel there was too much of it – when I got halfway through the rather short book, The ghost had only made one brief appearance – this time was instead filled by needless bickering amongst all of the characters. It reminded of why I was rooting for the Swedish death cult in Midsommar as they killed that cast off – none of the characters were very likable to me. I also roll my eyes whenever a book takes place in a foreign country randomly, but is made up of American characters that go on a trip or live in some pocket where it’s all ex-patriots that liver there i.e. (The Grudge American Remake for example). I get you wanted to use the Asian ghost trope, but why not just have the cast be Japanese? This wasn’t for me.

NOTE: I received a free preliminary, and likely unedited copy of this book from Netgalley for the purposes of providing an honest, unbiased review of the material. Thank you to all involved.

One comment

  1. […] is quite possibly the fastest. I felt the same way with a critically acclaimed book called Nothing But Blackened Teeth, wherein the entire cast argued and fought the entire time – I hated it, but here it just […]

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